Sunday, August 26, 2012

Useful Tips To Avoid Abduction


Because of recent abductions
In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do
in an emergency situation...
This is for you & for you to share with your wife,
your children & everyone you know.
After reading these 9 crucial tips,
forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful
in this crazy world we live in.
Tip from Tae Kwon Do:
The elbow is the strongest point
on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet or purse than you & he will go for the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out
the hole & start waving like crazy.
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars
after shopping, eating, working, etc., & just sit
(doing their cheque book, or making a list, etc.
The predator may be watching you,
& this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in
on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go.

If someone
is in the car with a gun to your head
Instead run the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it.
As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having your body found in a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting
into your car in a parking lot or parking garage:
A.)   Be Aware:
look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat
B.)   If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their female victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women
are attempting to get into their cars.
C.)   Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
& on the passenger side.... if a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
into the mall, or work & get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out.
(And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone,
& the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!
7. If the predator has a gun & you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times, & even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, preferably in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man,
who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp,
& often asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.
9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last
& she called the police because it was late
& she thought it was weird... The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door..'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window & she was worried
that it would crawl to the street & get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded & uses it to coax
women out of their homes, thinking that someone
dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it,
but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors
when they're home alone at night.
10. Water Scam!
If you wake up in the middle
of the night to hear all your taps outside running,
or what you think is a burst pipe,
These people turn on all your outside taps
full bore so that you will go out to investigate
& then they attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!

Please pass this on.
This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because
the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on
America 's Most Wanted when they profiled
the serial killer in Louisiana  

I'd like you
to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life.
A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only, but guys,
if you love your mothers, wives,sisters,daughters, etc.,
you may want to pass it onto them, as well.

Send this
to any woman you know that may need
to be reminded that the world we live in
has a lot of crazies in it, & it's better to be safe
than sorry..
Everyone should take 5 minutes
to read this.
It may save your life or
a loved one's life

China's Virgin Boy Eggs

Beer and Hot Dogs Festival in Hanoi Vietnam‏

Understand Cancer

  ★常見食物的酸鹼性:  強酸性:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖、西點、柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。
  ◆哪些人的身體容易「發酸」:  熬夜一族...晚上100以後不睡覺,人體的代謝作用會轉由內分泌燃燒,用內分泌燃燒產生的毒素會很多,會使體質變酸,通常熬夜的人得慢性疾病的機率會比抽煙或喝酒的人都來得高。所以每天儘量在晚上1200以前睡覺,不要常熬夜,若非要熬夜,一星期以一次為限!熬夜時不要吃肉,儘量吃碳水化合物,這樣隔天才不會很累,可把傷害減至最低。
  早餐的「逃兵」 ...一天三餐中,早餐最重要,但許多人不吃早餐,一早空著肚子,體內沒有動力,會自動使用甲狀腺、副甲狀腺、下腦垂體等腺體,如此易造成腺體亢進、體質變酸,長期下來易導致各種慢性病。
  「精食」一族...少 運動且整天坐在辦公室的上班族最容易犯這種錯誤,因為吃得少,又刻意選擇很精緻的食物、少吃粗糧,這類人的腸子老化得特別快,肝功能也會變差,排便是黑色 的而且常會便秘。因為精緻食物缺乏纖維素,會導致腸子功能變差,甚至萎縮,你所吃的食物變成了毒素,使你體質變酸,慢性病也開始了。
睾丸變化。睾丸癌多發年齡段為20—39歲。 美國癌症協會建議,男性每月應自我檢查睾丸情況,包括睾丸大小變化、出現明顯的腫大或縮小、陰囊內出現包塊、陰囊墜痛感等,有問題應及時就醫。特別是感到 陰囊墜脹,感覺裏面像是放了一個煤球,並持續一周以上,要馬上找醫生診斷。這是睾丸癌最典型的前兆,需要進行血液檢測和陰囊超聲檢測。
不規律出血。美國腫瘤學 家戴利 博士表示,月經週期之間的陰道異常出血及大小便出血很容易被女性忽視。它們很可能是婦科常見癌症———子宮內膜癌的一大徵兆,有至少3/4的女性有此徵兆後,被檢查出患上子宮內膜癌。而大便出血則可能是結腸癌的徵兆。
.乳房硬塊。乳腺癌不是女人的專利,男女都應該積極預防。女性如果發現乳房皮膚發紅、有腫塊,就要分外當心。尤其是乳房出現皮疹,並且持續數周不退,必須去檢查。腫瘤學家漢娜林登 博 士說。此外,她指出,非哺乳期的女性,乳頭凹陷,並且常常流出液體,也是不好的信號。對於男性來說,如果乳房皮膚起皺、乳頭收縮或不對稱、乳頭大小和形狀 改變、乳房紅腫、出現硬塊等,都是乳頭發炎的表現,也是乳癌的症狀。劉俊田進一步解釋,這種乳房腫塊一般不疼,但會逐漸變大。
. 疼痛。美國癌症協會表示,隨著年齡增加,身體疼痛會增多。但是身體某部位莫名出現疼痛並持續一周以上時,應儘快查明原因,因為無緣無故的疼痛可能是癌症徵 兆。比如,長期腹痛是大腸癌的症狀,胸部疼痛可能是肺癌引起的,骨頭酸痛則可能是癌症轉移的症狀。劉俊田指出,胰腺癌會表現在上腹區,如臍周或右上腹出現 頑固性鈍痛或絞痛,可陣發,也可呈持續性,通常會逐漸加重,向腰背部放射。
.淋巴結變化。 林登 博士表示,不管身體哪個部位,尤其是腋窩或頸脖出現淋巴結腫大,切不可掉以輕心。如果淋巴結持續增大,超過1個月,則很可能是乳癌或腦癌的症狀。
. 發燒。發燒一般由流感、肺炎或其他炎症所導致,然而,不明原因的發燒就可能是危險徵兆了。美國癌症協會表示,癌症擴散至身體其他器官時,通常會導致發燒。 淋巴瘤、白血病等血癌也有發燒症狀。中國醫學科學院腫瘤醫院防癌科主任徐志堅補充,淋巴瘤在早中期會表現為持續低熱,體溫在 38攝氏度 左右,當合併感染時則可能高燒。必要檢查包括:X光胸透、CT掃描、核磁共振檢查等。
.咳嗽不止。美國喬治城大學醫學院拉尼特? 米歇裏 博士表示,如果莫名其妙的咳嗽持續不斷,超過3—4周,就應該及時看醫生,有可能是肺癌或喉癌的徵兆。
.皮膚變化。美國費城福克斯蔡斯癌症研究中心腫瘤學家瑪麗? 戴利 博士提醒,皮膚突然出現包塊或者色素沉著,並且變化明顯,都可能是皮膚癌的徵兆。觀察幾周後就應該立即就醫。另外,無論年老年輕,一旦皮膚突然出血或者出現異常剝落, 也應該去看醫生。
.異常出血。 米歇裏 博士表示,便血除了痔瘡外,很可能是腸癌的症狀,必要時應該接受結腸鏡腸癌篩查。北京同仁醫院泌尿外科主 醫師陳山也提醒,40歲以上的中老年人,除女性經期之外,如出現無痛尿血或排尿困難,應警惕膀胱癌或腎癌。腸癌除了便血以外,如果腫瘤生長在靠近肛門處,還可能出現大便變細、次數增多等症狀,甚至引起大便困難。
喝馬鈴薯生汁治好疾病的人越來越多,可以控制癌細胞蔓延—— 進入今年有好幾十名癌症患者實行這種療法,而且有很多患者逐漸康復,甚至有些人已經感到必死無疑了,但後來因此得救,紛紛來電告知他們內心的無限喜悅。
將 生的馬鈴薯擦碎,每日持續喝其汁一至二杯。馬鈴薯生汁療法不僅可以治癌,也治好了很多人肝臟病、糖尿病、胃潰瘍、腎病、心臟病、高血壓、腰痛和肩膀痛等 病。還有各式各樣其他疾病治癒的患者也陸續出現。如果是正被慢性病所苦的人,請務必嘗試。沒有任何副作用,可以立刻實行,長期使用——
與 此相對的是,馬鈴薯生汁療法完全沒有任何副作用,而且可以恢復體力,提高自然治癒力,實在是一種高營養的食品。若長期持續此療法,就具有抑制癌細胞的神奇 力量。馬鈴薯生汁療法沒有任何危險,任何人都可以立刻實行,而且在極短時間內就可以實際感受到效果。患部有痛感的人,只要喝過一至二周,痛感就會逐漸減 輕,沒有痛感的,只要持續一些時間,食欲隨即增加,血色好轉,體力可以漸漸恢復。
我們生病都是事出有因。例如暴飲暴食、喜歡美食、漫無節制的熬夜,都是造成疾病的原因。 只要把過去的生活做一百八十度的大轉變即可,此時的馬鈴薯生汁,才算是真正的起死回生之仙杖。馬鈴薯在歐洲被稱做大地的蘋果,顯然是營養價值相當高的食品。尤其含有非常豐富的維他命C和鈣,在德國則自古以來即有喝馬鈴薯擦碎汁治療胃潰瘍和便秘的方法。
另外,馬鈴薯生汁具有抑制致癌的作用,在科學上也慢慢地獲得證明。 馬鈴薯含有豐富的維他命C、維他命B、鐵、磷和鈣。這些維他命或礦物質一旦被體內吸收,血管中的血液就可以暢通無阻。因此,只要持續喝馬鈴薯生汁的話就可以使血壓維持穩定。
馬鈴薯含的鉀能幫助體內的鈉排出體外,有利於高血壓和腎炎患者的康復。馬鈴薯還有減肥、和中養胃、健脾利濕,消炎解毒的功效。 另外,馬鈴薯生汁還對花粉症、濕疹、便秘有顯著效果。重症肝病喝馬鈴薯生汁之後迅速恢復,嚴重的便秘治好了。喝馬鈴薯生汁使尿蛋白完全消失了。馬鈴薯生汁可以增強全身體力。喝馬鈴薯生汁使胸痛消失不藥而愈。
另外,肩膀僵硬和酸痛的情形已經不再犯了。 狹心症的起因是,心臟內的血液無法通暢所引起的疾病。血液流動若順暢無阻,當然心臟也可以正常地運作。

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in UK

An excellent speechchanby Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in UK
We do hope he can do this again at home in front of Uni Students here !

An excellent speech by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in UK

Thank you for inviting me to speak with you. I am truly honoured. I have played some small role in the life of this nation, but having been on the wrong side of one or two political fights with the powers that be, I am not as close to the young people of this country as I would hope to be.

History, and the 8 o’clock News, are written by the Victors. In recent years the government’s monopoly of the media has been destroyed by the technology revolution.
You could say I was also a member of the UKEC. Well I was, except that I belonged to the predecessor of the UKEC by more than fifty years,The Malayan Students Union of the UK and Eire. I led this organisation in 1958 / 59. I was then a student of Queen’s University at Belfast, in a rather cooler climate than Kota Bharu’s.

Your invitation to participate in the MSLS was prefaced by an essay which calls for an intellectually informed activism. I congratulate you on this. The Youth of today, you note, “will chart the future of Malaysia.” You say you “no longer want to be ignored and leave the future of our Malaysia at the hands of the current generation.” You “want to grab the bull by the horns . . . and have a say in where we go as a Society and as a Nation.” I feel the same, actually. A lot of Malaysians feel the same. They are tired of being ignored and talked down to by swaggering mediocrities.

You are right. The present generation in power has let Malaysia down.

But also you cite two things as testimony of the importance of youth and of student activism to this country, the Election Results of 2008 and “the Prime Minister’s acknowledgement of the role of Youth in the development of the country.”

So perhaps you are a little way yet from thinking for yourselves. The first step in “grabbing the bull by the horns” is not to required the endorsement of the Prime Minister, or any Minister, for your activism.

Politicians are not your parents. They are your servants. You don’t need a government slogan coined by a foreign PR agency to wrap your project in. You just go ahead and do it.

When I was a student our newly formed country was already a Leader in the post-colonial world. We were sought out as a Leader in the Afro-Asian Conference which inaugurated the Non-Aligned Movement and the G-77. The Afro-Asian movement was led by such luminaries as Zhou En-lai, Nehru, Kwame Nkrumah, Soekarno. Malaysians were seen as moderate Leaders capable of mediating between these more radical leaders and the West. We were known for our moderation, good sense and reliability.

We were a Leader in the Islamic World as ourselves and as we were, without our leaders having to put up false displays of piety. His memory has been scrubbed out quite systematically from our national consciousness, so you might not know this or much else about him, but it was Tengku Abdul Rahman who established our Leadership in the Islamic world by coming up with the idea of theOIC and making it happen.

Under his leadership Malaysia led the way in taking up theAnti-Apartheid Cause in the Commonwealth and in the United Nations, resulting in South Africa’s expulsion from these bodies.

Here was a man at ease with himself, made it a policy goal that Malaysia be “a happy country”. He loved sport and encouraged sporting achievement among Malaysians. He was owner of many a fine race horse.

He called a press conference and had a beer with his stewards when his horse won at theMelbourne Cup. He had nothing to hide because his great integrity in service was clear to all. Now we have religious and moral hypocrites who cheat, lie and steal in office but never have a drink, who propagate an ideologically shackled education system for all Malaysians while they send their own kids to elite academies in the West.

Speaking of football. You’re too young to have experienced the Merdeka Cup, which Tunku started. We had a respectable side in the sixties and seventies. Teams from across Asia would come to play in Kuala Lumpur. Teams such as South Korea and Japan, whom we defeated routinely. We were one of the better sides in Asia. We won the Bronze medal at the Asian games in 1974 and qualified for the Moscow Olympics in 1980. Today our FIFA ranking is 157 out of 203 countries. That puts us in the lowest quartile, below Maldives (149), the smallest country in Asia, with just 400,000 people living about 1.5 metres above sea level who have to worry that their country may soon be swallowed up by climate change. Here in ASEAN we are behind Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, whom we used to dominate, and our one spot above basketball-playing Philippines.
The captain of our illustrious 1970’s side was Soh Chin Aun. Arumugam, Isa Bakar, Santokh Singh, James Wong and Mokhtar Dahari were heroes whose names rolled off the tongues of our schoolchildren as they copied them on the school field. It wasn’t about being the best in the world, but about being passionate and united and devoted to the game.

It was the same in Badminton, except at one time we were the best in the world. I remember Wong Peng Soon, the first Asian to win the All-England Championship, and then just dominated it throughout the 1950s. Back home every kid who played badminton in every little kampong wanted to call himself Wong Peng Soon. There was no tinge of anybody identifying themselves exclusively as Chineses, Malays, Indians. Peng Soon was a Malaysian hero. Just like each of our football heroes. Now we do not have an iota of that feeling. Where has it all gone ?

I don’t think it’s mere nostalgia that makes us think there was a time when the sun shone more brightly upon Malaysia. I bring up sport because it has been a mirror of our more general performance as Nation. When we were at ease with who we were and didn’t need slogans to do our best together, we did well. When race and money entered our game, we declined. The same applies to our political and economic life.

Soon after independence we were already a highly successful developing country. We had begun the infrastructure building and diversification of our economy that would be the foundation for further growth. We carried out animport-substitution programme that stimulated local productive capacity. From there we started an infrastructure buildup which enabled a diversification of the economy leading to rapid industrialisation. We carried out effective programmes to raise rural income and help with landless with programmes such as FELDA. Our achievements in achieving growth with equity were recognised around the world. We were ahead of Our peer group in economic development were South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, and we led the pack. I remember we used to send technical consultants to advise the South Koreans.

By the lates nineties, however, we had fallen far behind this group and were competing with Thailand and Indonesia. Today, according to the latest World Investment Report, FDI into Malaysia is at about a twenty year low. We are entering the peer group of Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines as an investment destination. Thailand, despite a month long siege of the capital, attracted more FDI than we did last year. Indonesia and Vietnam far outperform us, not as a statistical blip but consistently. Soon we shall have difficulty keeping up with The Philippines. This, I believe, is called relegation. If we take into account FDI outflow, the picture is even more interesting. Last year we received US$1.38 billion (RM4.40 billion) in investments but US$ 8.04 billion flowed out. We are the only country in Southeast Asia which has sufferednett FDI outflow. I am not against outward investment. It can be a good thing for the country. But an imbalance on this scale indicates capital flight, not mere investment overseas.

Without a doubt, Malaysia is slipping. Billions have been looted from this country, and billions more are being siphoned out as our entire political structure crumbles. Yet we are gathered here in comfort, in a country that still seems to ‘work.’ Most of the time. This is due less to good management than to the extraordinary wealth of this country. You were born into a country of immense resources both natural and cultural and social. We have been wearing down this advantage with mismanagement and corruption. With lies, tall tales and theft. We have a political class unwilling or unable to address the central issue of the day because they have grown fat and comfortable with a system built on lies and theft. It is easy to fall into the lull caused by the combination of whatever wealth has not been plundered and removed and political class that lives in a bubble of sycophancy.

I urge you not to fall into that complacency. It is time to wake up. That waking up can begin here, right here, at this conference. Not tomorrow or the day after but today. So let me, as I have the honour of opening this conference, suggest the following:

Overcome the urge to have our hopes for the future endorsed by the Prime Minister. He will have retired, and I’ll be long gone when your future arrives. The shape of your future is being determined now.

Resist the temptation to say “in line with” when we do something. Your projects, believe it or not, don’t have to be in line with any government campaign for them to be meaningful. You don’t need to polish anyone’s apple. Just get on with what you plan to do.

Do not put a lid on certain issues as “sensitive” because someone said they are. Or it is against the Social Contract. Or it is “politicisation”. You don’t need to have your conversation delimited by the hyper-sensitive among us. Sensitivity is often a club people use to hit each other with. Reasoned discussion of contentious issues builds understanding and trust. Test this idea.

It’s not “uber-liberal” to ask for an end to having politics, economic policy, education policy and everything and the kitchen sink determined by race. It’s called growing up. Go look up “liberal” in a dictionary.

Please resist the temptation to say Salam 1 Malaysia, or Salam Vision 2020 or Salam Malaysia Boleh, or anything like that. Not even when you are reading the News. It’s embarrassing. I think it’s OK to say plain old salam the way the Holy Prophet did, wishing peace unto all humanity. You say you want to “promote intellectual discourse.” I take that to mean you want to have reasonable, thought-through and critical discussions, and slogans are the enemy of thought. Banish them.

Don’t let the politicians you have invited here talk down to you.

Don’t let them tell you how bright and “exuberant” you are, that you are the future of the nation, etc. If you close your eyes and flow with their flattery you have safely joined the caravan, a caravan taking the nation down a sink hole. If they tell you the future is in your hands kindly request that they hand that future over first. Ask them how come the youngest member of our cabinet is 45 and is full of discredited hacks ? Our Merdeka cabinet had an average age below thirty. You’re not the first generation to be bright. Mine wasn’t too stupid. But you could be the first generation of students and young graduates in fifty years to push this nation through a major Transformation. And it is a Transformation we need desperately.

You will be told that much is expected of you, much has been given to you, and so forth. This is all true. Actually much has also been stolen from you. Over the last twenty five years, much of the immense wealth generated by our productive people and our vast resources has been looted. This was supposed to have been your patrimony. The uncomplicated sense of belonging fully, wholeheartedly, unreservedly, to this country, in all it diversity, that has been taken from you.

Our sense of ourselves as Malaysians, a free and united people, has been replaced by a tale of racial strife and resentment that continues to haunt us. The thing is, this tale is false.

The most precious thing you have been deprived of has been your history. Someone of my generation finds it hard to describe what must seem like a completely different country to you now. Malaysia was not born in strife but in unity. Our independence was achieved through a demonstration of unity by the people in supporting a multiracial government led by Tengku Abdul Rahman. That show of unity, demonstrated first through the municipal elections of 1952 and then through the Alliance’s landslide victory in the elections of 1955, showed that the people of Malaya were united in wanting their freedom.

We surprised the British, who thought we could not do this.

Today we are no longer as united as we were then. We are also less free. I don’t think this is a coincidence. It takes free people to have the psychological strength to overcome the confines of a racialised worldview. It takes free people to overcome those politicians bent on hanging on to power gained by racialising every feature of our life including our football teams.

Hence while you are at this conference, let me argue, that as an absolute minimum, we should call for the repeal of unjust and much abused Acts which are reversals of freedoms that we won at Merdeka.

I ask you in joining me in calling for the repeal of the ISA and the OSA. These draconian laws have been used, more often than not, as political tools rather than instruments of national security. They create a climate of fear. These days there is a trend among right wing nationalist groups to identify the ISA with the defence of Malay rights. This is a self-inflicted insult on Malay rights. As if our Constitutional protections needed draconian laws to enforce them. I wish they were as zealous in defending our right not to be robbed by a corrupt ruling elite. We don’t seem to be applying the law of the land there, let alone the ISA.

I ask you to join me in calling for the repeal of the Printing and Publications Act, and above all, the Universities and Colleges Act. I don’t see how you can pursue your student activism with such freedom and support in the UK and Eire while forgetting that your brethren at home are deprived of their basic rights of association and expression by the UCA. The UCA has done immense harm in dumbing down our universities.

We must have freedom as guaranteed under our Constitution. Freedom to assemble, associate, speak, write, move. This is basic. Even on matters of race and even on religious matters we should be able to speak freely, and we shall educate each other.

It is time to realise the dream of Dato’ Onn and the spirit of the Alliance, of Tunku Abdul Rahman. That dream was one of unity and a single Malaysian people. They went as far as they could with it in their time. Instead of taking on the torch we have reversed course. The next step for us as a country is to move beyond the infancy of race-based parties to a non-racial party system. Our race-based party system is the key political reason why we are a sick country, declining before our own eyes, with money fleeing and people telling their children not to come home after their course.

Friday, August 3, 2012

10 easy steps to avoid being a victim of a Snatch-Theft!‏

10 easy steps to avoid being a victim of a Snatch-Theft! & What to do if you do become a victim?

Did you know that there are estimated 1,200 cases of snatch-theft reported every month in Malaysia!!

10 easy steps to avoid being a victim of a Snatch-Theft!
& What to do if you do become a victim?

- based on multiple police reports and real incidents:
They usually move in pairs on 150cc motorcycles (those middle size bikes). The thieves are usually teenagers but not always.

Prime snatch-theft areas: College, universities, offices and shop-lot areas

1. SUSPECT every oncoming motorcyclist whether from behind or front to be a snatch-thief! Better safe than sorry.

2. Females are usually the victims of snatch-thief so be extra cautious with whatever you are carrying. Males are known to be victims too so don’t let your guard down. (Ladies: try not to carry your purse & mobile phone in your hands while walking) (Guys: always walk with and let your wife/girl friend walk on the inside and you on the outside, snatch-thief’s do think twice when they see a man around)

3. Always walk FACING oncoming traffic. A snatch thief will usually come from behind you when you are not looking.

4. NEVER carry your bags/stuffs towards the outside of the road

5. DO NOT answer your mobile phone while walking, if you must answer; walk as far away from the road and stay put while talking, always facing towards the road

6. If you have to take a walk in a prime snatch thief area, do not carry too much stuff! Leave it in your car/office/home.

7. Wherever you are walking to, try to walk off the main road and onto walk paths or through playgrounds and etc where motorized vehicle cannot go through

8. While having a meal in a restaurant or mamak (especially mamaks), DO NOT leave your mobile phone, wallet or keys on the table.

9. While walking; take a look to your back every now and then …. You never know if somebody is stalking you

10. If you notice someone suspicious following/stalking or approaching you … SCREAM!!!


看一下  希望妳我都活的健康  快樂!

癌症信號 -- 知道這些,你將永遠不會得上癌症

  ★常見食物的酸鹼性:  強酸性:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖、西點、柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。
  ◆哪些人的身體容易「發酸」:  熬夜一族...晚上100以後不睡覺,人體的代謝作用會轉由內分泌燃燒,用內分泌燃燒產生的毒素會很多,會使體質變酸,通常熬夜的人得慢性疾病的機率會比抽煙或喝酒的人都來得高。所以每天儘量在晚上1200以前睡覺,不要常熬夜,若非要熬夜,一星期以一次為限!熬夜時不要吃肉,儘量吃碳水化合物,這樣隔天才不會很累,可把傷害減至最低。
  早餐的「逃兵」 ...一天三餐中,早餐最重要,但許多人不吃早餐,一早空著肚子,體內沒有動力,會自動使用甲狀腺、副甲狀腺、下腦垂體等腺體,如此易造成腺體亢進、體質變酸,長期下來易導致各種慢性病。
  「精食」一族...少 運動且整天坐在辦公室的上班族最容易犯這種錯誤,因為吃得少,又刻意選擇很精緻的食物、少吃粗糧,這類人的腸子老化得特別快,肝功能也會變差,排便是黑色 的而且常會便秘。因為精緻食物缺乏纖維素,會導致腸子功能變差,甚至萎縮,你所吃的食物變成了毒素,使你體質變酸,慢性病也開始了。
睾丸變化。睾丸癌多發年齡段為20—39歲。 美國癌症協會建議,男性每月應自我檢查睾丸情況,包括睾丸大小變化、出現明顯的腫大或縮小、陰囊內出現包塊、陰囊墜痛感等,有問題應及時就醫。特別是感到 陰囊墜脹,感覺裏面像是放了一個煤球,並持續一周以上,要馬上找醫生診斷。這是睾丸癌最典型的前兆,需要進行血液檢測和陰囊超聲檢測。
不規律出血。美國腫瘤學 家戴利 博士表示,月經週期之間的陰道異常出血及大小便出血很容易被女性忽視。它們很可能是婦科常見癌症———子宮內膜癌的一大徵兆,有至少3/4的女性有此徵兆後,被檢查出患上子宮內膜癌。而大便出血則可能是結腸癌的徵兆。
.乳房硬塊。乳腺癌不是女人的專利,男女都應該積極預防。女性如果發現乳房皮膚發紅、有腫塊,就要分外當心。尤其是乳房出現皮疹,並且持續數周不退,必須去檢查。腫瘤學家漢娜林登 博 士說。此外,她指出,非哺乳期的女性,乳頭凹陷,並且常常流出液體,也是不好的信號。對於男性來說,如果乳房皮膚起皺、乳頭收縮或不對稱、乳頭大小和形狀 改變、乳房紅腫、出現硬塊等,都是乳頭發炎的表現,也是乳癌的症狀。劉俊田進一步解釋,這種乳房腫塊一般不疼,但會逐漸變大。
. 疼痛。美國癌症協會表示,隨著年齡增加,身體疼痛會增多。但是身體某部位莫名出現疼痛並持續一周以上時,應儘快查明原因,因為無緣無故的疼痛可能是癌症徵 兆。比如,長期腹痛是大腸癌的症狀,胸部疼痛可能是肺癌引起的,骨頭酸痛則可能是癌症轉移的症狀。劉俊田指出,胰腺癌會表現在上腹區,如臍周或右上腹出現 頑固性鈍痛或絞痛,可陣發,也可呈持續性,通常會逐漸加重,向腰背部放射。
.淋巴結變化。 林登 博士表示,不管身體哪個部位,尤其是腋窩或頸脖出現淋巴結腫大,切不可掉以輕心。如果淋巴結持續增大,超過1個月,則很可能是乳癌或腦癌的症狀。
. 發燒。發燒一般由流感、肺炎或其他炎症所導致,然而,不明原因的發燒就可能是危險徵兆了。美國癌症協會表示,癌症擴散至身體其他器官時,通常會導致發燒。 淋巴瘤、白血病等血癌也有發燒症狀。中國醫學科學院腫瘤醫院防癌科主任徐志堅補充,淋巴瘤在早中期會表現為持續低熱,體溫在 38攝氏度 左右,當合併感染時則可能高燒。必要檢查包括:X光胸透、CT掃描、核磁共振檢查等。
.咳嗽不止。美國喬治城大學醫學院拉尼特? 米歇裏 博士表示,如果莫名其妙的咳嗽持續不斷,超過3—4周,就應該及時看醫生,有可能是肺癌或喉癌的徵兆。
.皮膚變化。美國費城福克斯蔡斯癌症研究中心腫瘤學家瑪麗? 戴利 博士提醒,皮膚突然出現包塊或者色素沉著,並且變化明顯,都可能是皮膚癌的徵兆。觀察幾周後就應該立即就醫。另外,無論年老年輕,一旦皮膚突然出血或者出現異常剝落, 也應該去看醫生。
.異常出血。 米歇裏 博士表示,便血除了痔瘡外,很可能是腸癌的症狀,必要時應該接受結腸鏡腸癌篩查。北京同仁醫院泌尿外科主 醫師陳山也提醒,40歲以上的中老年人,除女性經期之外,如出現無痛尿血或排尿困難,應警惕膀胱癌或腎癌。腸癌除了便血以外,如果腫瘤生長在靠近肛門處,還可能出現大便變細、次數增多等症狀,甚至引起大便困難。
喝馬鈴薯生汁治好疾病的人越來越多,可以控制癌細胞蔓延—— 進入今年有好幾十名癌症患者實行這種療法,而且有很多患者逐漸康復,甚至有些人已經感到必死無疑了,但後來因此得救,紛紛來電告知他們內心的無限喜悅。
將 生的馬鈴薯擦碎,每日持續喝其汁一至二杯。馬鈴薯生汁療法不僅可以治癌,也治好了很多人肝臟病、糖尿病、胃潰瘍、腎病、心臟病、高血壓、腰痛和肩膀痛等 病。還有各式各樣其他疾病治癒的患者也陸續出現。如果是正被慢性病所苦的人,請務必嘗試。沒有任何副作用,可以立刻實行,長期使用——
與 此相對的是,馬鈴薯生汁療法完全沒有任何副作用,而且可以恢復體力,提高自然治癒力,實在是一種高營養的食品。若長期持續此療法,就具有抑制癌細胞的神奇 力量。馬鈴薯生汁療法沒有任何危險,任何人都可以立刻實行,而且在極短時間內就可以實際感受到效果。患部有痛感的人,只要喝過一至二周,痛感就會逐漸減 輕,沒有痛感的,只要持續一些時間,食欲隨即增加,血色好轉,體力可以漸漸恢復。
我們生病都是事出有因。例如暴飲暴食、喜歡美食、漫無節制的熬夜,都是造成疾病的原因。 只要把過去的生活做一百八十度的大轉變即可,此時的馬鈴薯生汁,才算是真正的起死回生之仙杖。馬鈴薯在歐洲被稱做大地的蘋果,顯然是營養價值相當高的食品。尤其含有非常豐富的維他命C和鈣,在德國則自古以來即有喝馬鈴薯擦碎汁治療胃潰瘍和便秘的方法。
另外,馬鈴薯生汁具有抑制致癌的作用,在科學上也慢慢地獲得證明。 馬鈴薯含有豐富的維他命C、維他命B、鐵、磷和鈣。這些維他命或礦物質一旦被體內吸收,血管中的血液就可以暢通無阻。因此,只要持續喝馬鈴薯生汁的話就可以使血壓維持穩定。
馬鈴薯含的鉀能幫助體內的鈉排出體外,有利於高血壓和腎炎患者的康復。馬鈴薯還有減肥、和中養胃、健脾利濕,消炎解毒的功效。 另外,馬鈴薯生汁還對花粉症、濕疹、便秘有顯著效果。重症肝病喝馬鈴薯生汁之後迅速恢復,嚴重的便秘治好了。喝馬鈴薯生汁使尿蛋白完全消失了。馬鈴薯生汁可以增強全身體力。喝馬鈴薯生汁使胸痛消失不藥而愈。
另外,肩膀僵硬和酸痛的情形已經不再犯了。 狹心症的起因是,心臟內的血液無法通暢所引起的疾病。血液流動若順暢無阻,當然心臟也可以正常地運作。